Sunday, August 23, 2009

Worst Beatles songs

In my opinion the Beatles a really great rock band. But that doesn't mean I like all of their song were great. They had some clunkers too. I am not saying that these songs are bad. I just personally hate them. So if any of these is one you particularly like that's OK.

The Top 10Worst Beatles songs

10.The Long and Winding Road
I know a lot of people love this song but I find it dull sappy and depressing. Interestingly the Beatles wrote it for Ray Charles and his version is 100% better than Paul's

9.Wild Honey Pie
Paul has done some good songs where he sings and plays everything but this isn't one of them. It's actually bizarre obnoxious and boring at the same time. The best thing about this song is it's so bad it's good

8.It's Only Love
It's sad to hear John write a song so boring and uninspired he basically just rehashes cliches. Any song with a lyric like "My inside Just flies, butterflies". His voice sounds bored too.

7.Tell Me What You See
If ennui had a soundtrack this would be it especially that cheesy electric piano solo by Paul. Plus Paul seems to sound like a sexist jerk in this song if you really listen to the lyrics.

6.You Like Me Too Much
This is arguably the worst song George ever did with the Fab 4. With a cheesy ragtime piano(and I actually like ragtime) and a country melody that makes achy break heart look like Devil went down to Georgia.

5.I Dig A Pony
Usually when John calls a song garbage I think he's being too hard on himself because he wrote such a wonderful song, but in this case I fully side with him .

4. Mr Moonlight
Unfortunately I actually used to like this song. If anyone doubt Ringo's ability as a drummer the fact is he DIDN'T drum on this song that was George.

3.I Don't Want To Spoil The Party
The worst part of it is the Beatles actually CAN do country western that sounds like music.

2.Revolution 9
I don't dislike this song because it is artsy (some artsy music is actually quite good) or because Yoko was involved in the composition (I actually like Yoko). The real reason why I think it's no good is it is boring as hell!
You might be thinking what song could possibly be worse than revolution 9.
There is one that is...

1.Maggie May
Rod Stewart did a really good version of this song a year later but the Beatles version of this song is absolutely horrible. The fact the the Beatles did this song is proof that the Beatles were human.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

In the Last post I showed my cast for the Muppet's Midsummer Nights dream, now I have another Muppet Shakespeare cast up my sleeve. This one I actually did earlier it is about the other highly fantastical Shakespeare play of note The Tempest. This one would actually have been done in the Late 1980s when Jim Henson was still alive (again the puppeteers Names are in parentheses)
On Stage: Prospero: Patrick Stewart Miranda: Prairie Dawn (Fran Brill) Antonio: Brent Spiner Alonzo: Ian Macdirmid Sebastian: Mark Hamill Ferdinand: Kermit The Frog (Jim Henson) Gonzalo: Sam Eagle (Frank Oz) Adrian: Dr. Julius Strangepork (Jerry Nelson) Francesco: Dr. Bunsen honeydew (David Golez) His Servant: Beaker (Richard Hunt) Ariel: Miss Piggy (Frank Oz) Caliban: Oscar The Grouch (Carroll Spinnee) Trinculo: Fozzie Bear (Frank Oz) Stephano: Gonzo The Great (David Golez) The Master of a Ship: Lync Hogthrop (Jim Henson) Boatswain: Rizzo The Rat (Steve Whitmire)
Spirits presenting a play: Iris: Boober Fraggle(David Golez) Ceres: Red Faggle (Karen Prell) Juno: Mokey Fraggle(Karen Mullen) Mercury: Uncle Traveling Matt(David Golez) Ganymede: Wembly Fraggle (Steve Whitmire) Apollo Gobo Fraggle (Jerry Nelson)

Off stage: Orchestra Conductor: Rowlf (Jim Henson) Waiter: Grover (Frank Oz) Statler (Richard Hunt) and Waldorf (Jim Henson)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Midsummernights Dream Muppets Cast

I was thinking of a Muppet version of A Midsummer Nights Dream, because a Muppet version of Shakespeare is a good way to get kids into Shakespeare. I also have a version of the tempest which I will talk about in a later blog.
This is the film I'm imaging could have been done (in 1999) instead of the Movie Muppets from space. In my oipnion that was when the muppets Jumped the Shark; I think what Gonzo is should be up to the audience. The Cast is as Follows ;Pupeteers are in Parentheses
THE ATHENIANS: Theseus: Kermit the Frog (Steve Whitmire) Hypollita: Miss Piggy (Frank Oz) Lysander: Nate Ritchert Hermia: Melissa Joan Hart Demetrius: Michael J. Nelson Helena: Alannah Ubach Egus: Ian MacDiarmid Philostrate Sam Eagle: (Frank Oz )
THE RUDE MECHANICALS: Peter Quince/Prolouge: Colin Mochrie Nick Bottom/Pyramus: Fozzie Bear (Frank Oz) Bottom enchanted: Gonzo the great (David Golez) Francis Flute/Thisbe: Zoot (David Golez) Sung/Lion: Telly Monster (Martin P. Robinson) Tom Snout/Wall: Floyd (Jerry Nelson) Robin Starveling (Moonshine): Janice (?)
THE FARIES: Oberon: Kermit the Frog (Steve Whitmire) Titania: Miss Piggy (Frank Oz)
Puck: Gobo Fraggle (Jerry Nelson) Peasblossom (2nd Fairy): Mokey Fraggle (Karen Mullen) Cobweb: Boober Fraggle (David Golez) Moth(1st fairy):Red fraggle(Karen Prell) Mustardseed: Wembly Fraggle (Steve Whilmire) Changling Boy: Elmo (Kevin Clash)

Monday, January 19, 2009

The library of tomorow today.

I had never consider the fact that the library might go out of date pretty soon because of being able to find all the information online but these people believe that that can be averted. They have created a library that deals with interactive spaces. This library deals with both physical and virtual space. There are a lot of different places you can find activities.

This library has a Transformation lab with five different areas of the library with different kinds of interactive space. The Literature Lab, the News Lab, the Music Lab, the Exhibition Lab, and the square. The Literature Lab shows new ways of communicating besides books. the News lab shows people the effects of the news media in our world with screens showing news all over the world. the Music Lab is divided into different zones. The inspiration zone is set up like a cafe has music magazines, the production zone has instruments and computer equipment. In the Exhibition Lab people look at what previous people have done and talk about their own ideas. There is also the square which is really neat it has both planned and unexpected meetings where anyone can say anything.

They believe that this library is an ongoing project will never get finished nor should we be able to finish this project. The growth of knowledge is ever expanding. There might however be ways in which this is not the case. There might be something that takes all this technology away from them or it might get set in it's way. However it is very good at present and I would like to see how it progresses in the future. I wish them good luck with this project and I hope things will turn out for the best for them.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kids interactive discovery space
This museum is another kind of experience that uses physical interactive spaces. It doesn't use the latest technology, but it does use things that can be fun and Interesting for kids. It also is very informative.
The first part teaches kids about music and makes them want to make music , listen to it and piques their curiosity in it too. I always wanted to learn about music as a kid and still do.
Another part of the museum history of how kids played in the past which teaches kids about history in a way that makes them related to kids of the past(including their parents and grandparents.). It also makes kids discover new ways to play when kids were more active. Play is important for kids not just for having fun, but kids also learn best when they play.
There is another part of the museum that shows how films are made and tells kids what that there is a lot that goes on to make a movie. It also might help kids decide whether they want to be a part of making films themselves or not.

Virtual Reality Miracle Monster or just another media?

It is interesting that they are using virtual reality to put people more in touch with marine wildlife for those who don't get a chance to go scuba diving. This has a both a serene and an unsettling experience.
This is a serene experience in that it gets people to experience a peaceful underwater paradise that has all kinds of sea creatures. It is unsettling because there is also a heavy environmental message that people get out of it.
However the idea of virtual reality with those people just sitting there scares me a bit. There is actually very little interactivity except for in virtual space. Are we going to sit there like bumps on a log lazily not participating in anything? Are we going to stop working and be slaves to the machine?
However I guess it is not that different from watching T.V. I am not sure whether virtual reality is a bad thing or not I guess it depends what it is used for. I guess it is like any other machine it can be used and abused.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Exciting kids learing is back

I think that it is exciting that they are breaking with tradition and hosting a children's library with interactive spaces.
It uses both real and virtual space and it helps kids teach themselves without even realising how much they are learning. With kids it is often better to show them something than to merely tell them about it. There is very little in the design now but it will get more and more interactive as it goes on.
Kids are naturally curious so this takes their natural curiosity and makes them able to learn through awe inspiring technologies. People have been using technologies to divert kids for ages but this uses the latest technologies to inform inspire and educate kids.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The game of Afterlife

As I talked about in the earlier post the first game was no fun to play. But the second was a horse of a different color. You basically had to get good karma and had to go from death to rebirth. This took place in virtual media as did the previous one. It was in point of fact a dice game played on the computer. The stages were Death, Grave, Haunting, Ascent, Heaven, Rebirth.
You had to roll more on each score: one Death, two Graves, all the way up to Six Rebirths but on each you got more times you could roll each die. If you did not roll it on that try, you had to try again. There was the idea of gaining enlightenment that made it interesting. I think what made this game enjoyable was that we wanted to redeem ourselves in a fun game.
I think that this shows that people still want to be as good a person as they can be. Which is heartening although it has nothing to do with real karma. If I was writing this game, I might add a few gentle morality questions that help the score. Although that would be very easy to cheat on, so I would have to find a way you couldn't possibly cheat.

Dragonfly Damselfly Knightfly

I had to play two games in class and I think that I have the same opinion as everyone else that the first game was more annoying. These games used virtual space. The first was a dragon and damsel game, and the second was an afterlife game, but the afterlife game was more fun. They were interestingly both based on ancient civilizations: the former, Ancient Europe; the latter, Ancient Asia.
The first game was invented in the early 1980s and everyone was a crudely drawn silhouette. It basically consisted of A knight (you) trying to save the damsels who had an annoying suicidal quality of throwing themselves outside the battlements, and you were supposed to catch them. There was also a dragon that breathed fire that you were supposed to run away from and not fight. Sound simple? Oh yes, there was also the fact that damsels fell out all the time, and the dragon could come from any direction, as could the damsels. And every time someone died, you lost a life, and if four lives were lost, the game ended. You were lucky if you scored a ten. I thunk I should have played as the dragon.

zen Drawings

It is interesting that in a culture devoted to striving to be the best of everything people are embracing Buddhism's teachings of striving to not strive. It started as a reaction against the ultra materialism in the roaring twenties. As a reaction to WWI people were moving to the big cities and cars and telephones were becoming everyday. Then in the 1930s it was gone. This drove more people to question capitalism and one outlet was zen philosophy.

This was later revisited more intensely in the 1960s as a reaction to the post WWII us when everybody was supposed to go back to conformity. Suddenly young people were questioning the capitalist government and were drawing on things from the east. this time it actually worked for a larger less select group called by most people "hippies"(they actually preferred "freaks").

This zen drawing exercise was fascinating.I was intrigued by the drawing exercises where the whole point was to see what happened when we let go of or consciousness. I was actually being told to focus inside my head but I think I overdid it in class. This used inner space and real space . We inderectly interacted with each other as a group in doing this drawing. We didn't look at the previos artist and mada a somehow unified whole
The drawing I think could hang either right side up or upside down and it would work either way.

Monday, January 12, 2009

"hands on please touch"

In one site about interactive spaces it had a please touch statement for kids so that they would not be afraid to interact directly with that space. This museum uses real space and virtual space. I always liked "hands on, please touch museums" as a kid and I think even as an adult I would still like them.
I think it is interesting about our society that most museums have a hands off don't touch policy even though people used to touch artwork all the time. This reminded me of hands on museums I went to as a kid and how delighted I was since I could touch everything and be a kid. I still haven't fully grown up and will always have a bit of the kid in me. If I was opening a museum for kids, it would be hands on.

Furby keeps annoying me

The Furby is a really weird phenomenon. First of all, it uses both real and virtual media. It looks like a furry owl and the commercial makes it seem very cute, but there is a slightly darker side to the furby. It is programed to react to space just like an animal or a human being. It looks alive, acts alive, seems alive, but isn't alive. The Furby is cute but also annoying. Somehow you feel that if you don't love your furby, you're a bad person.

The furby scares me even in it's usual cute state because we are creating a new life form, playing god. This Frankenstein sense of the furby is brought home with the creepy skeleton furby shown here. It is the actual inside of a furby and programed to act like a monster. It is a bit creepy yet somehow I know it won't haunt my dreams. It's kind of an Addams family, Norman Bates, or FrankenFurby. This image has a train wreck fascination. You can't look away even though you're scared.

The furby makes me feel that we are a society both afraid of, and at the same time, ready to embrace technology. And that if it is cute, or fun, or appealing we are more likely to accept it.

Be honest- which scares you more?

Go to fullsize image

To Monoplise or not to Monopolise

The early twentieth century was the golden age of the big trust and monopolies. Most of these had been broken up by the 1930s but people still wanted to own monopolies. In that same decade the Parker Brothers wanted to show the world it was not just big businesses that wanted to get monopolies. He believed that anyone who had the opportunity, would want to have a monopoly. He decided the best way to show this was with a game, which uses real space, in which the aim of the game was to get as many monopolies as you could. In theory, people would play willingly until they realized in horror what the game was really about (it was even called Monopoly for goodness sake) and in horror, stop playing, only that never happened. Actually I realized that and haven't played it since.

It didn't go back to this satirical aim until a father in the 1970s got upset that his son always beat him at Monopoly. He realized what the game was really about and sent a game that changed the rules of the game to not making monopolies. He called it Anti Monopoly. It was good in theory but people quickly got bored with a game that you play to lose. They have actually reissued the Anti Monopoly game now with the slogan the dark secrets of the Monopoly game revealed. I don't think this will sell as much as they hoped. It is a good message but a very lousy game. Who plays to lose?

This does show that we have a certain inclination to serve ourselves before others. I think that I might have a game of Monopoly where you play as a member of the Dark Side from Star Wars, but I don't think people would get the point even then.

Pass the Pig?

I liked the game Pass The Pig. I thought It was really fun and a neat way to waste time. It uses real space and has group interactivity. It made me feel cheerful, excited, and a bit nervous. I didn't know what would happen in this game, and often I didn't care. I had an unresearchedtheory about how Pass The Pig was invented was as a satire like Monopoly. It showed that everybody, even farm children, could get into gambling, if it was with something as seemingly innocent as Pass The Pig. The ironic thing is you don't know you're gambling, and when you realize it you don't care. This may also be a way for nongamblers, who don't want to be addicted to gambling, to experience the thrill of gambling safely.

In a way it was a really weird game that you toss these pigs around without a thought of how this pig would react if you really did it to them. It's like cow tipping, or like you are a giant tossing these pigs about mercilessly. This game wouldn't be as fun if you were playing with real animals.

What if you were winning or losing slabs of bacon (maybe a little unsettling). It would be ironic if it was a pig playing Pass The Human (even more unsettling). Or even, could you imagine gamblers in Las Vegas playing Pass The Pig.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Redisovering Yahtzee

I had never played Yahtzee in years so I found playing it again was a surprisingly exciting experience. Anyone can win because this is a game of pure chance. We played with very interesting looking dice of unusual colours shapes and textures that Joe has collected over the years.
I had a good deal of fun trying to roll dice and getting the numbers in a specific order. I did finally get a Yahtzee which is when all five dice were the same number, but I had already crossed out my thing on the sheet of paper that says Yahtzee, so the game went on. Itwent on so long that It becme hard to concentrate so I had to excuse myself three times. Other people also had Yahtzees, but crossed their Yahtzees off as well. It was pretty ironic that nobody thought they were going to get a Yahtzee, but they did and couldn't do anything with them. The game did finally end after nearly an hour but we had a good time.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The How To Web Site

I looked at some really cool websites it was very exciting. There was a how to web site called that had how to on any subject, you name it. I went to the food part because I was interested in culinary matters. I was interested especially in Italian food. I saw a how to make duck meatballs in the restaurant this was their trademark. There was also a How to Make Garlic Knots which I really love to get it with my pizza whenever I get the chance. In the music section there was something on how to play the flute, which I could never get the hang of. I always had trouble with the embouchure ;they said to form the letter M with the lips. I remember a You Tube with James Gallway ,a famous flautist, where he said you should frown while playing the flute. There were other instruments too. There was a section on how to play Rhythm and blues guitar; I had forgotten how much I liked the blues till I saw this video. There was also a section about the drums the one I chose to watch showed me how to play the hi hat cymbal and the cowbell pedal at the same time.

The Phantom Tollbooth fantasy cast list

I was thinking of doing a movie of the book the phantom toll booth which is actually an educational book and a political statement all at once. all the roles would be played by either the pythons or the Muppet performers. It would have to be done however in a time when Graham Chapman and Jim Henson were still alive.
Milo would be played by an unknown
Muppets: Jim Henson King Azaz, Tock
Frank Oz The Humbug
Jerry Nelson The Spelling Bee, Gorgon of Hate Lethargarian, Dodecahedron,
Richard Hunt the Awful Din, Lethargarian, Gorgon of Malice Gelatin Giant Alec Bings
David Golez the Everpresent wordsnatcher, Lethargarian
Steve Whitmire: Lethargarian 58% of A child,
Fran Brill Rhyme
Martin P. Robinson the demon of Insincerity,Lethargarian
Pythons John Cleese Mathamgician, The Terrible Trivium, Duke of definition
Graham Chapman Chroma, Earl of essence
Eric Idle Senses Taker Minister of Meaning
Michael Plain Giant/Midget/thin Man/Fat Man, Undersecretary of Understanding
Terry Jones Count of connotation, Officer Shrift
Terry Gilliam Dr Kakofnus A Discord Whether Man secretary
Carol Cleveland Reason, Faintly Macabre

Thursday, January 8, 2009

the wonderful pixelator

The pixelatior is a cool anti advertising tool that people can put on advertising screens so that they just show bright light and cool colors. You can't arrest the people who use them because they are not breaking any laws. I thought that this was really cool but I don't think I will be able to remember to do this next time I go to the big city. Still it sounds like a cool idea. About the graffiti that people put on walls that clean them up; I wonder if you could arrest them if the stuff on the walls was offensive enough, or would that violate the 1st amendment right?

Different Types of Interaction

making music,
Video games,
reading ,
choose your own adventure books,
working together,
playing together,
Wii games,
decorating a Christmas tree,
walking a dog,
washing a dog,
fox hunting,
having sex,
cheering in a crowd,
doing sports,
participating in a trial,
Robbing a bank,
playing computer games with a group of people from around the world,
surfing the Internet,
being taught,
fighting a fire,
Bear Baiting,
hula hooping,
looking at art galleries,
Playing Music,
Going to a theme park together,
Cooking in a Restaurant,
Petting a cat,
Smoking cigars together at a country club,
Getting high together,
tribal rituals,
and last but not least Joe's 250 Discussion class,

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Choose Your Own Post

The Choose Your Own Adventure book was interactive because it was the reader of the book who got to decide plot changes and make choices that affected how it would turn out. You, the reader, could choose different endings different times and see where different choices led you. Not all of the endings were happy though none of the endings were thoroughly happy or thoroughly unhappy. For example some people would be horrified by the ending where you die and turn into a vampire but other people would find it badass.

The two kinds of space are 3D (it's a book) and inner space (of the mental variety). Within the 3D space, it isn't linear there are many different story lines and several possible endings. These different parts of the book are usually not read once but several times. It is also outer space because that's something the book deals with (The title is Space Vampire)

This is a really cool experience because i saw what would happen if I did certain choices and the first time I usually did what I myself would do in this situation, and after that, I did things that were increasingly less in character for me. It was very fun but I don't think that I will pursue reading more of these choose your own adventure book just because I probably won't get around to it but who knows? I have rediscovered a lot of other interests I had as a boy.

This got me to think about the choices I make in life and how they affect me. It also got me to think about the fact that authors sometimes choose different consequences for different actions depending on the author's belief. So what you choose may be considered a good thing or a bad thing depending on a person's belief. And even if someone makes a good choice, sometimes life isn't fair, but other times it is.

Alice in wonderland fantasy cast

I was thinking about a cast for an imaginary Alice in Wonderland film made in 1973 and Through The Looking glass the following Year (don't look for this film it's just fantasy). It would stick to the book Pretty Much To the letter because I think the Original story is plenty exciting in and of itself. I tried to Pick comedians for most of the roles because serious actors would make it fall under the heading a dream or a Nightmare as most versions do.

Jodie foster plays Alice because although Alice is Innocent she also is either tough enough to survive the wonderland or imaginative enough to dream it up. Jodie Foster also proved to be a great dramatic actor later which is important in the role of Alice especially since the other actors are comedians. She could make her sympathetic enough that we care about her but not so sympathetic that we're too worried about her to enjoy the movie. She is American but she could do a British accent even then and she actually can sing. If you don't believe me YouTube Jodie Foster Sing

Here is a sample of The Alice In Wonderland Cast:
In the Mad Tea Party Peter Cook is the Mad Hatter, Peter Sellers is the March Hare, and Dudley Moore Is the Dormouse. In the scene with the Gryphon and the Mock Turtle the Gryphon is Spike Milligan and the Mock Turtle is Ringo Starr. The Cheshire Cat is Tim Curry before he was a star. Peter Sellers also Plays The Queen of Hearts along With Mollie Sugdeon as the Duchess. The Knave of hearts is David Jason and Father William is Donald Adams.

Here is a sample of the Through the Looking Glass cast
Ronnie Corbet and Arte Johnson are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum because they look so alike, and both look just like those characters. Mollie Sugden is the white Queen and Judi Dench Is the Red Queen. John Young is The Aged Man, Woody Allen appears near the end as the Pudding and the Voice Announcing Queen Alice is John Ferrante

The pythons and Muppet Performers also appear in both made up films
The Pythons: John Cleese is The Red Knight the Frog Footman and The King of Hearts
Ghrahm Chapman Is the The White Rabbit The White King The White Knight and Louis Carroll
Eric Idle is The Ace of Spades the Cook
Michael Palin is the Door the Father and the seven
Terry Jones as The Five and The pigeon
Terry Gilliam as the Fish Footman The baby and The Red King
Connie booth as Alice's Sister

The Muppets: Jim Henson is the Carpenter the Lizard Chimney sweep The sun and The panther
Frank Oz is The Walrus The dodo and Humpty Dumpty The moon and The Lobster
Put Jerry Nelson as The Lion the Owl and One of the Oyster Ghosts the Jabberwock
Richard Hunt as The Unicorn the sheep the Eldest Oyster The frog and The mutton Leg
Fran Brill as the Other Oyster Ghost and The Snail

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bloging opinions

A blog is a place where you type your ideas and anyone who looks for it can find it. You post things and get your opinions out there and people may or may not read them. After they read it they can reply so it can be conversation as well as just monolog. There is no limit on how quick or how slowly the person takes before they react to your question or statement or observation etc. you can change what you say if you don't like it and once you've change it you've changed it for good. You can post something that you feel strongly about one way and someone else can say they believe the exact opposite and can still be friends.

I think that a blog uses virtual space which is believe it or not is not real space. in a way it is almost imaginary space but not quite. Although it shows no signs of compressing in on itself I have to be suspicious of all the videos that are disappearing but that may just be a cost related thing.

The blogging that is spontaneous is usually easier to do than the blogging that is assigned. Also video's are easier to put a video on blogger than I at first thought. It can be hard to think up new things to say if I have a specific amount of posts. But when it is just for fun I can't stop.
I like the fact that all of these things that are circling around in my brain out to the public. And I think I might do a blogging just for fun tonight

Monday, January 5, 2009

The telephone game

The telephone game gave me an idea of what I want to say in the game telephone I want to say something like Viola of the Trilobites and see what comes out on the other side.
I picked those words because they are both obscure. he viola is the most obscure member of the String section of the orchestra (the others being Violin Cello and Bass). Trilobite is a well known prehistoric crustacean by people who study fossils but since dinosaurs get all the press it is also Obscure. Since both are obscure and Nobody would quite know what ether of them are they would get fumbled along the way.