Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bloging opinions

A blog is a place where you type your ideas and anyone who looks for it can find it. You post things and get your opinions out there and people may or may not read them. After they read it they can reply so it can be conversation as well as just monolog. There is no limit on how quick or how slowly the person takes before they react to your question or statement or observation etc. you can change what you say if you don't like it and once you've change it you've changed it for good. You can post something that you feel strongly about one way and someone else can say they believe the exact opposite and can still be friends.

I think that a blog uses virtual space which is believe it or not is not real space. in a way it is almost imaginary space but not quite. Although it shows no signs of compressing in on itself I have to be suspicious of all the videos that are disappearing but that may just be a cost related thing.

The blogging that is spontaneous is usually easier to do than the blogging that is assigned. Also video's are easier to put a video on blogger than I at first thought. It can be hard to think up new things to say if I have a specific amount of posts. But when it is just for fun I can't stop.
I like the fact that all of these things that are circling around in my brain out to the public. And I think I might do a blogging just for fun tonight

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